Australia & Philippines: Unfiltered Insights

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If you want to get in touch with us, that’s great! We love hearing from readers. Just please keep in mind that we receive hundreds of emails per week, and therefore would appreciate it if you would respect “the Inbox” What does that mean, exactly? Well, it means only emailing us with actual messages or questions.

Reach out! Feel free to contact us with questions and feedback. Thanks again for supporting the site, if you are new check out the spots below for where to start.

Please take note of the following before filling out a contact form:

  • We do publish guest posts.
  • We do publish sponsored posts written by third parties.
  • We write reviews of apps, websites, products, or any other kind of travel startups.
  • We do not want free products in return for an Instagram post.
  • Time is gold. We don’t usually meet up with strangers for coffee so they can “pick our brain” about blogging.