CYC Beach Coron: Crazy and Crowded

The beach sand of CYC Beach in Coron Palawan is off white – not as white as other beaches in Coron, but still soft and appealing. For all those divers out there…
Mt Batulao Batangas: Amazing Views Worth the Effort

Mt. Batulao Batangas: You don’t need to travel too far from Manila to be one with nature and enjoy a fun trek, Mt. Batulao is an easy drive away waiting to be explored and conquered!
Kayangan Lake Coron Palawan Amazing 2Hot Recommend

Kayangan Lake Coron Palawan is definitely one of the most visited sites in the Philippines and highlights of our Coron holiday. And obviously, it gets incredibly busy.
How to Convert a Foreign Driver’s License in the Philippines

If you plan to be in the Philippines for more than 90 days and plan to drive a vehicle, you will need a Philippine driver’s license.
Things You Should Know About Filipino Culture

What is it about the Philippines that makes it different from the rest of the world? Well, for one thing, it is all about our culture. Here are things you should know about Filipino culture.
What is the Best Time to Visit the Philippines?

Philippines ‘ climate is not always as spectacular as it appears on postcards. As a foreigner, you might wonder when is the best time to visit the Philippines? Well…
Ugong Rock Palawan: Amazing singing rocks, Zipline and More

Ugong Rock Palawan, it was a hot humid day, but damn it was worth the climb. Most of our group wimped out of the zipline but not us…
Amazing Things To Do In Coron Palawan

Things to do in Coron Palawan – Most of Palawan is still untouched and not yet commercialized, making Coron a great place to visit…
Crazy Aussie Slang Words You Need To Know Now

Aussie slang words can both confuse and amuse. Learn these Australian slang words and phrases and you’ll feel at home on your first day Down Under.
Amazing Things To Do In Brisbane, Australia | Do It Now

Brisbane City’s spectacular scenery and pleasant locals have been the draw-card for many domestic and international visitors, making Brisbane the fastest-growing city in Australia. In November 2014 the city hosted the G-20 summit, attracting thousands of media, delegates, and security staff.