And here are some Aussie slang words you won’t believe! Well, I’m here to make you a believer… Being Australian and spending most of my life in the “land down under”, I often take our strangely weird but wonderful way of describing things for granted. Sure, every culture has its own way of expressing itself.
Did you know that the word “selfie” came from “Straya”? I mean, Australia. Yep, you heard it right. You’re welcome, mate. We, Aussies—love to shorten our words. Someone who has stayed here in Australia knows that Australian English is so much more than just an accent. It consists of unique Aussie expressions, phrases, and slang terms. You can say that Australian English has become its own, funny kind of language.
I thought I knew Tagalog until I went to the Philippines and discover people have a “language within a language“, countless funny idioms and phrases that they just don’t teach you in school. Blimey!!! No worries, I wasn’t carrying on like a pork chop. 😛
Needless to say, normally when foreigners come face to face with Aussie slang words, it can be more puzzling than obvious. And it is easy to see why… We do not pronounce the entire word. We make words sound as short as possible, as though speaking through clenched teeth.
That’s a “bloody ripper“, don’t ya think? Although, we are an English speaking country, arriving into the country with little knowledge of the most popular Aussie slang words may get you into a few awkward situations.
ALSO READ: Things To Do In Queensland: Dazzling Destination In Australia
It does to my wife, Cheche. Told her, “No worries hon, you will soon become accustomed to these.” Thank God we have the internet as it has proven itself handy for a little bit of light cross-cultural education.
Aussie slang words – If you think your English is good enough to understand the average Aussie then think again ?. As I stated earlier, we Aussies have a unique and humorous way of turning a phrase.
ALSO READ: Amazing Things To Do In Brisbane, Australia | Do It Now
Funny Aussie Slang Words You Need To See To Believe.
“ Oi are you coming to the Straya day celebrations next weekend? It’s going to be sick hey.”
Meaning: “Australia”
This one is easy to learn and even easier to pronounce. Most native English speakers will pronounce all the syllables in “Australia,” but we Aussies say “Straya” instead.
You’ll need to be careful when you start talking with an Aussie—if you say “AU-STRA-LIA” they might make fun of your pronunciation (but in a nice way). So, simply place the emphasis on the “S” and the “tray” sounds.
It should sound like this: “Straaayah.“ If you enjoy music and know a bit about it, the last sound of Straya rhymes with the note “lah” in the “do, re, mi, fa so lah, tee, do” scale.
“ I can remember playing footy for my club, around the age of 15. …”
Meaning: “Football”
Aussies love their footy! For us, footy is rugby. Have you heard of rugby?
We love it so much that there are 4 major types. There’s Rugby Union, Rugby League, AFL, and Touch football. Beyond these, there are even more ways to play and leagues to join.
Don’t get confused with the other football. We call this soccer (like the Americans do).
So, if you hear someone mention the word footy, they’re talking about one of the types of football we play. If you’re not sure what type they’re talking about, or you just have no idea what Australian football is, don’t be afraid to ask! Aussies love to talk about footy. Ask a question about footy, and you’ll make a new Aussie friend who will spend hours telling you everything that happened in the last big footy games.
“.Jack: G’day mate! Would ya like to pop around for a cuppa?
Me: Sure, mate. See ya at 15″.
Meaning: “a cup of tea/coffee”
You’ll notice that we’ve abbreviated “good day” so it’s now “g’day,” and we usually say “ya” instead of “you.” “Pop around” is a casual way to say “come over.”
It’s very common to drink tea/coffee in Australia. I don’t know how we managed to abbreviate 4 words into one…but we did. If you didn’t already know, the British colonized Australia. When the British go ANYWHERE they always want tea. So, of course, tea was brought over with the early settlers. So you see, Aussie slang words aren’t that hard to work out… Are they?
“Hey mates, whose goin’ to Maccas for a chew and spew?“.
Meaning: “Mcdonalds”
Macca’s is the abbreviated version of McDonald’s. To an Australian, pronouncing 3 syllables is too hard. 2 syllables is much easier. If they can get it down to 1 syllable, it’s heaven.
So, the next time your friend asks you to join them at Macca’s you know that they mean McDonald’s, the restaurant…not the man down the street called Macca.
“Crikey, he lives in woop woop, mate.”
Meaning: “the middle of nowhere”
In the USA, Europe, and many other parts of the world “Woop woop!” would be used by excited girls “Let’s go have a party, woop woop!”.
But, in Australian slang, this phrase means “the middle of nowhere”. Anyway, “Crikey” means surprise.
Just another one of those crazy Aussie slang words.
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“Comin’ down the pub for a beer mate?”
“Bloody oath I am!”
Meaning: “Absolutely yes, definitely”
Most certainly; you bet; used to intensify an affirmative response.
One of those sayings you really have to know in order to understand them.
But, it can also be used when exasperated. Such as – “for crying out loud… for f$#k sake… F#$kin’ hell… and so on.
Bloody oath mate, Aussie slang words can be entertaining.

If you think your English is good enough to understand the average Aussie slang words, then think again? As stated earlier, we Aussies have a unique and often humorous way of turning a phrase.
Not only do we tend to abbreviate many words like “brekkie” for breakfast, “choccy” for yummy, “arvo” for the afternoon, “prezzy” for a gift or a present, “Polly” for politicians, “oldies” for parents, “offsider” for an assistant, “cobber” for a friend, “reffo” for refugee, and “tradie” for a tradesman.
We also use funny expressions for common, everyday things or happenings like “bugger” means f**k, “get stuffed” means get lost, “strewth” means holy sh*t, and “no worries” which means “do not worry about it or it’s all right, etc.
ALSO READ: Moving To Australia? 6 Pros & Cons Of Moving To A New Country
If you know other great Aussie slang words that I have missed, please add them below in the comments section. I’m sure there are many I have just, plain forgotten and would love to be reminded of them again. Even better, why don’t you join our community and post your own collection of funny sayings, jokes, pics, or videos? We would love to hear from you, seriously.
There are lots of Aussie slang words that you should learn when you live here in Australia. From how to do the Oz accent yourself, to what makes it sexy and the different regional variations and slang words; you’ll nearly be Australian yourself after reading through our guide… Have a butcher’s at this!
Funny Aussie Slang Words - "Those CRAZY Aussies"
“Me mates are heading for the coast so I thought I would “chuck a sickie” today and join them”
Meaning: “Call in sick for work.”
The word “chuck” means “throw” – To chuck a ball means to throw a ball… “Bloody Magpie swooped me so I chucked a rock at it”… Now, with that said it really doesn’t make a lot of sense in this situation – the chuck (throw) a sickie… Hmm, but there you have, the Aussie logic at work. Don’t argue with the terminology, just go with it.
“I reckon you could be right…” “She told me I had to wait till Thursday but I reckon she’s wrong…”
Meaning: “yes or I think”
As opposed to what it says above in the pic, reckon, in it’s truest form really means “I think” as opposed to a straight out “yes”.
“I reckon this can be a little confusing to most.”
“ The boss gave me the rest of the day off… You little rippa!”
Meaning: “Fantastic, great, over the moon, full of excitment.”
It’s a Rippa also means it’s good, great, fantastic. There was also an Australia 80’s TV show called “It’s a Rippa” which was a toned-down version of American Ninja or, if you remember it, Gladiator. You bewdy meaning it is beautiful, great, good.
“We are going to Movie World today kids”
“You little bewdy, Mum…”
Oh, yes, we say Mum and not Mom… That is “Mum” as in “Mumble”
“It was a shocker of a party last night. I didn’t know anyone there. I felt like a pickpocket at a nudist camp!”
Meaning: “Feeling out of place, not fitting in, confused or uncomfortable with the situation”
Yes, you would feel somewhat, out of place if you were a pickpocket at a nudist camp. Where would they put their wallets??
Ah, don’t you love Aussie slang words… Well, maybe it’s an acquired taste…
“I came up to the intersection and the flamin’ idiot pulled out in front of me… Bloody drongo!”
Meaning: “Idiot, fool, dead-head, tool, Gullah, dropkick “
There are so many other descriptive words that can be used for this one. The word “Bloody” is used to emphasize the degree to which you are a drongo or fool. “You are not an idiot, you are a bloody idiot. You are not just a drongo, you are a bloody drongo”!
Gary and his assistant are fair dinkum magicians”
“My mate was telling me about this huge fish he caught and i said fair dinkum mate”
Meaning: “ unquestionably good or genuine: EXCELLENT”
Fair Dinkum: (pronounced in true Aussie form as fay-ah ding-kum). Originally meaning “fair drinking” by a less-than-sober gentleman, “fair dinkum” is one of many intriguing pieces of Australian vocabulary.
“Come around Sunday arvo, bring your broadies… Have a dip in the pool.. I’ll even throw another shrimp on the barbie for ya…”
Meaning: “Hmmm, a bad 80’s tourist ad by Paul Hogan”
Barbie is a Barbecue (BBQ) or outdoor flame griller/hotplate. Broadies or Cozies or swimwear – Broad shorts. The original commercial is bad because in Australia we actually call “Shrimp”, “Prawns”.
SO, in Australia, we would actually say “Throw another PRAWN on the barbie”. This commercial was tailored at the US tourist market and so the advertising firm running the ad decided to use the word “Shrimp” instead of “Prawn” so the American audience could more easily identify with the ad.
Meaning: “Stop wasting time we have things to do…”
The term is derived from and is another way of saying, “not here to fuck around. I am here to get the job done”
1. “Mate look at this”. ” Mike, we are not here to Fuck Spiders, get back to it “
2. PLAYER: “Do you think we can win the championship?”…Player
COACH: “Well, I am not here to Fuck Spiders”
3. “Digging a hole mate”
“Well I am not here Fuck Spiders”
OMG, how is that for some pretty F@#ked up Aussie slang words???
“It was so hot out in the Nullabor last night, I was doing the Great Aussie Salute like a madman.”
Meaning: “Waving your hand around your face to “Shoo” away flies:
Shoo means to scare or get someone or thing to move on and stop annoying you.
The Aussie salute, also known as the Bush salute, is the waving of one’s hand in front of the face at regular intervals in order to prevent Australian bush flies from landing on it or entering one’s nose or mouth.
The Aussie salute can often be seen in outdoor television news reports or interviews. Aussie slang words sending you around the bend yet? Hmmm ??
“I think that person is a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, did you see what they just did?”
Meaning: “Someone who does things without thinking”
The phrase “a sandwich short of a picnic” and the various Aussie slang words of similar intent mean – mentally deficient, slightly crazy, or silly.
A pejorative phrase meaning not very intelligent or of questionable mental capacity. It can appear in many different forms and variations (for example a few bricks shy of a load, a few cards shy of a full deck, etc.).
“C’mon, get down to your budgie smugglers”
Meaning: “A pair of small, fitted, swimming trunks for males”
Budgie smugglers is an Australian slang phrase that is used to describe tight-fitting men’s swimwear, also known as speedos. The design is commonly used by athletes and swimmers, as well as for casual beachwear, particularly in mainland Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
A bludger can also be someone wanting to “Bludge” money off you, meaning – continually borrowing money from others with no intent to ever pay it back.
“We had to get rid of him, the bludger did nothin’ all day”
Meaning: “To an Aussie, a thong is a Flip-Flop, Slipper, Havaianas”
So, when you hear that most people walk around wearing thongs on the Gold Coast… It doesn’t mean we are wearing G-Strings. The Goldcoast is a famous beach region in Queensland – Surfers Paradise being the most popular area.
Way back during the Sydney 2000 Olympic games, news got out that Kylie Minogue was to appear in a thong during the closing ceremony celebrations as part of the performance. Kylie, at this time, was making a name for herself in the States as a singer and so when the USA heard the news of her appearing in a thong, they all stayed up and eagerly waited for her appearance in the ceremony. Unfortunately, many were badly disillusioned when they saw her entering the stadium, not in a Thong but “on” a thong…
“Hey, mate, if you’re driving home, watch out for the booze bus”
Meaning: “Police vehicle setup to catch drink-drivers”
The booze bus is set up to catch DUI’s (driving under the influence) and is usually found at RBT (random breath test) operation sites. Usually set up outside popular watering holes (hotels, clubs, pubs, or venues where liquor is served.
“We’re set for a great weekend, the esky’s choc-a-bloc with XXXX and the misses is at her friends.”
Meaning: “completely full, filled to the brim or till bursting”
This post is chocas (choc-a-bloc) with Aussie slang words.
“Esky” is an Australian brand of portable cooler and XXXX is a brand of Australian beer originating from Queensland. Other popular Australian beers are VB (Victorian Bitter), Tooheys, Carlton Draught, Little Creatures Pale Ale to mention but a few.
“Hey Macca, ya got a spare durry mate? I’m fangin’ for one over here.” “Yeah righto Robbo, hold me tinny and I’ll grab ya one, ya bloody scab.”
Durry: A cigarette, usually of the Winny Gold or PJ 30s variety. But never menthols. That shit’ll give you cancer.
Tinny: A can of ice-cold beer, often a VB, Tooheys, Swan Lager or XXXX, depends on what state you’re in. But never, ever a Fosters.
Funny Aussie Slang Words - "Those CRAZY Aussies"
“Throw another snag on the barbie will ya… I think veggie might (vegemite) come too…”
Meaning: A sausage. A staple at any normal BBQ (barbie), often wrapped diagonal-wise on a single piece of white bread and smothered in tomato sauce. A few grilled onions were thrown on top if you’re feeling particularly gourmet.
Other barbie favorites include: rissoles, which are basically burger patties with a few breadcrumbs mixed in; steak, T-bone is a favorite cut, and a bit of salad on the side. Contrary to the popularized saying ‘chuck another shrimp on the barbie,’ that must be happening in another part of Australia coz I never saw a shrimp at a barbie in my life.
“Keep your shirt on, I’m just yankin’ your chain..”
Meaning: “Mildly antagonizing one for amusement”
This post is chocas (choc-a-bloc) with Aussie slang words.
the phrase comes from miners who would proclaim “Don’t yank my chain!” from the depths of the mine. The bathroom in the lower levels of the mine was on wheels on a track so it could be moved out easily when full. Miners carried a length of chain to put in front of one of the wheels to serve as a brake.
Apparently, miners would often play a trick on each other by removing the chain and sending the wagon down the track while his fellow miner was on the toilet. So from there, we get the literal “Don’t yank my chain!” and the figurative use of “Don’t tease me!”
“Wholly snappin ducks legs, that bloke just missed being hit by that car.”
Meaning: “A response of shock”
Yet another Australian expression of surprise, disbelief ar anguish. There is quite a collection of these.
Usually said with each word pronounced very separately and deliberately, but is quite often uncontrolled. The first thing I said when I turned on the TV and saw the World Trade Centre collapse was: “Holy Snapping Duck Shit!”
“He will get it eventually, he’s just not the sharpest knife in the drawer.”
“Oh well.. she’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer either, but she isn’t dishonest”
Meaning: “Someone that’s not very bright, bit slow.”
Usually spoken by radio/tv host describing a politician. It is a congruent conflation of “not the sharpest knife in the drawer” and “not the brightest bulb in the chandelier”, both describing someone who is not very intelligent. Other similar idioms include “he’s one fry short of a Happy Meal”, “the elevator doesn’t go to the top floor”, and my personal favorite, “somewhere there’s a village missing its idiot”.
And many many more… When you’ve read the list of most “common Aussie slang” words, or “true-blue Aussie slang“, you’re well on your way to understanding your Aussie mates.
Top Tip: If you’re really stuck but want to seem as though you’re beginning to learn some of the local Aussie slang words – the lingo if you will, always say hello by saying “G’ day” and always add “mate” to the end of every sentence.
Till Next Time
It’s time to goanna cause Nullarbors me and I reckon Mikes trying to Mount Isa and it would be smart for you to come too before he leads you Australiana…
By hey, before you go, here’s the NEW Aussie Slang words during the COVID19 Pandemic.
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